Software Development Teams

Building a high-performing software development team can be difficult. You’ve got technical ways of working to consider, you’ve got team culture to consider, but the most significant contributing factor to a high-performaing team will be the wellbeing of your software developers.

Wellbeing of your software developers

When it comes to the wellbeing of your software developers, getting to know them on a personal level is vitally important. Treat them as people first and not just code-generating commodities. Find out what makes them tick as part of their job and outside of work too.

It’s important to encourage your developers to take responsibility for their own physical and mental wellbeing and to support them in doing so.

Software developers are complex characters, they can suffer from stress, anxiety and a lack of motivation, self-belief and confidence. As hard as companies try to create psychological safety, it can be difficult for developers to open up for fear of it being used against them.

To help with this, RD Coached offers a software developer advocacy service.

We can work alongside your development team to support their wellbeing with mindset training, workshops, talks and 1-2-1 coaching, providing true psychological safety. We’ve spent over two decades in software development and relate to the struggles and urge movement towards high performance.

The Mindspan Framework

Using the Mindspan framework, We deliver Mindset Training for WELLBEING & PERFORMANCE in various forms to suit you. We connect with your software development team because we’ve been in their shoes and relate to their struggles, drawing on 20 years of experience in the industry.

Helping your developers deal with stress, manage anxiety, build confidence and improve communication is showing them that you recognise them as individuals, that you care about and understand them, and ultimately how you tap into their potential for your business.

If you’d like to discuss Mindset Training for WELLBEING & PERFORMANCE for your software development team, then please get in touch.